
신테카바이오㈜와 관련하여 문의하실 사항이 있으시면, 아래 연락처로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.
여러분들의 의견 하나하나를 소중하게 생각하고, 성심 성의껏 답해드리겠습니다.



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privacy policy

1. Personal information collection list- (Required list) Name, E-mail

2. Purpose of collection- It can be used to process email responses to consultation contents

3. Retention and use period- One year (※ However, it can be deleted when customer requires)

4. You may not agree to collection and use of personal information. If you refuse, you can write but e-mail service can be restricted.
However, writing is not possible when the required information is not entered, which is the minimum information for writing.

※ For more information on the processing of personal information, please refer to the “Privacy Policy” posted on the bottom of the homepage (